

1-4 veckor
Varje måndag
Lektioner per vecka
30 lessons per week (varje lektion varar 60 min)
Måndag - Fredag

Lektionsschema kan ändras beroende på tillgänglighet och säsong.


The two-to-one course is for students who want private lessons totally customizable and a teacher 100% tailored, for those people who have more special schedules, want a more specialized training or prefer to have private lessons with just a partner or a friend with whom share the expenses.
All our students have the option to sign up for afternoon activities and share them with other classmates, as well as request the search for accommodation or transportation to the airport.


Alla nivåer, nybörjare till avancerad
Du kommer att göra ett placeringstest under din första dag för att avgöra din språknivå. Du kan också göra testet före ankomsten till Barbate.


Maximum 2 studenter


Åldersomgrupp 13 år gammal och äldre


Ett intyg om avslutad kurs kommer att utfärdas vid slutet av kursen.
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  • Klassrum i ACADEMIA BARBATE 1/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 2/27
  • Ingång till ACADEMIA BARBATE 3/27
  • City of Barbate 4/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 5/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 6/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 7/27
  • City of Barbate 8/27
  • City of Barbate 9/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 10/27
  • Receptionen på ACADEMIA BARBATE 11/27
  • Allmänt rum i ACADEMIA BARBATE 12/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 13/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 14/27
  • City of Barbate 15/27
  • City of Barbate 16/27
  • City of Barbate 17/27
  • City of Barbate 18/27
  • City of Barbate 19/27
  • City of Barbate 20/27
  • City of Barbate 21/27
  • City of Barbate 22/27
  • Aktiviteter som erbjuds på ACADEMIA BARBATE 23/27
  • Lärare och personal på ACADEMIA BARBATE 24/27
  • Studenter på ACADEMIA BARBATE 25/27
  • Klassrum i ACADEMIA BARBATE 26/27
  • Studenter på ACADEMIA BARBATE 27/27


ACADEMIA BARBATE erbjuder följande typer av boende:

Värdfamilj - 2-person delat rum - Frukost, lunch och middag

kr 3.922

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner - 2 students must book together

Åldersomgrupp: 13 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: 2-person delat rum
Måltider: Frukost, lunch och middag (21 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
Restriktioner: 2 studenter måste registrera tillsammans
kr 3.922
Homestays starts on Sunday (before the first day of class) and ends on Saturday (after the trip and once you have finished your Spanish lessons). You will live with local families carefully selected: location, quality of the lodging, equipment and food, basis of their hospitality and positive feedback from students. It offers students the opportunity of a complete linguistic & cultural immersion.

*Families usually offer meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine and Spanish gastronomy, but if you have special requests or diet restrictions, please just let us know in advance.

*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 60€

*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 50€

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost och lunch

kr 4.289

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and lunch

Åldersomgrupp: 13 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och lunch (14 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 4.289
Homestays starts on Sunday (before the first day of class) and ends on Saturday (after the trip and once you have finished your Spanish lessons). You will live with local families carefully selected: location, quality of the lodging, equipment and food, basis of their hospitality and positive feedback from students. It offers students the opportunity of a complete linguistic & cultural immersion.

*Families usually offer meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine and Spanish gastronomy, but if you have special requests or diet restrictions, please just let us know in advance.

*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 60€

*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 50€

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost, lunch och middag

kr 4.289

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Åldersomgrupp: 13 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost, lunch och middag (21 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 4.289
Homestays starts on Sunday (before the first day of class) and ends on Saturday (after the trip and once you have finished your Spanish lessons). You will live with local families carefully selected: location, quality of the lodging, equipment and food, basis of their hospitality and positive feedback from students. It offers students the opportunity of a complete linguistic & cultural immersion.

*Families usually offer meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine and Spanish gastronomy, but if you have special requests or diet restrictions, please just let us know in advance.

*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 60€

*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 50€

Värdfamilj - 2-person delat rum - Frukost och lunch

kr 4.657

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and lunch - 2 students must book together

Åldersomgrupp: 13 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: 2-person delat rum
Måltider: Frukost och lunch (14 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
Restriktioner: 2 studenter måste registrera tillsammans
kr 4.657
Homestays starts on Sunday (before the first day of class) and ends on Saturday (after the trip and once you have finished your Spanish lessons). You will live with local families carefully selected: location, quality of the lodging, equipment and food, basis of their hospitality and positive feedback from students. It offers students the opportunity of a complete linguistic & cultural immersion.

*Families usually offer meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine and Spanish gastronomy, but if you have special requests or diet restrictions, please just let us know in advance.

*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 60€

*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 50€

Lägenhet - 2-person delat rum - Inga måltider

kr 4.779

Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together

Typ av boende: Delad lägenhet
Typ av rum: 2-person delat rum
Måltider: Inga måltider
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
Restriktioner: 2 studenter måste registrera tillsammans
kr 4.779
Academia Barbate offers accommodation in houses or flats, carefully selected so students have a comfortable stay in Barbate in addition to learn the language. The houses are fully furnished and have a washing machine and television. Meals not included.
*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 50€
*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 70€

Lägenhet - Single-person room - Inga måltider

kr 5.637

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Åldersomgrupp: 18 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Privat lägenhet
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Inga måltider
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 5.637
Academia Barbate offers accommodation in houses or flats, carefully selected so students have a comfortable stay in Barbate in addition to learn the language. The houses are fully furnished and have a washing machine and television. Meals not included.
*Just for older than 18 years old students.
*High season (July & August) supplement per week: 50€
*The accommodation is available from Sunday 12 am, the day before the course starts, to Saturday 12 am, the day following the end of course. Price extra night: 70€


Vi kan inte ansöka om visum för studenter.

Flyg och flygplatstransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Barbate based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studera utomlands bekymmersfritt med Language Internationals försäkringstäckning för hälsa och personliga ägodelar. När du bokat en kurs hos oss, så kan du välja att köpa en internationell försäkringsplan som inte bara täcker sjukvårdskostnader, men också förlust av dina personliga tillhörligheter. Du måste boka din försäkring i förtid när du registrerar dig.

Läs mer om vår försäkringsplan »

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