Programmes for Seniors: English and British Culture

Oxford International Study Centre



Lyssna, Speaking, uttal, läsa, Skriva, ordförråd, Grammatik och aktiviteter


1-6 veckor
Varje måndag
Lektioner per vecka
22 lessons per week (varje lektion varar 45 min)
Måndag - Fredag


09:15 - 12:30
14:00 - 16:00

Lektionsschema kan ändras beroende på tillgänglighet och säsong.


Programmes for Seniors
English Language and British Culture
The programmes are intended for mature students aged forty plus. They are offered at all levels from elementary to advanced.
 From 1 to 6 weeks;
 Every week beginning Mondays, with 20% reduction for those joining on the second Monday of the month;

 20 lessons in English Language, mornings every weekday, at the appropriate level. The groups are international and are for adults.
 One specialist academic lecture each week. Subjects include Art History, English Literature, British Culture, and Oxford: the City and the University. Often these are held in a college of the University.

 Three local tours each week, such as the Colleges of the University, Galleries, Museums (including the Ashmolean, Europe’s oldest), trips on the River Cherwell, the Botanic Gardens , and Cream Tea on High Street.
 One full day weekend excursion, such as Jane Austen’s Bath, or Shakespeare’s Stratford.
 Membership of the Oxford Library.

Accommodation is arranged in single rooms with half board , either in the Residence (summer only), or Oxford host families (year-round), or the University (summer only). OISC is also able to arrange hotel accommodation in a wide range of Oxford hotels, if preferred.

• The programme runs year round, but we provide a 20% discount in programme fees for those starting the second Monday of any month;
• A discount in tuition fees of 5% is offered for family and friends;
• Reduced prices are offered to groups of 10 or more, and free leader places. Please email us with your requirements for a quotation;


You will take a placement test before your arrival in Oxford to determine your class level.


Genomsnitt 10 studenter
Maximum 16 studenter


Åldersomgrupp 40 år gammal och äldre
Genomsnitt 47 år gammal
(45 på sommaren)


Ett intyg om avslutad kurs kommer att utfärdas vid slutet av kursen.
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100% rekommenderar

baserat på 9 omdömen
5 stjärnor
4 stjärnor
3 stjärnor
2 stjärnor
1 stjärna
Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge

"It was an excellent experience to meet new people and to improve my English."

Natália Šuňavská, student från Slovakien

The hours were interesting and very different than in my country, the teachers were very kind, I liked their approach to the students and their way of teaching. The location of the school is great, you can't get lost. I'd say the only drawback to this location is probably the traffic noise.The afternoon activities were amazing, we got to know Oxford a little bit, also I very much enjoyed our visit to the universities of Oxford. lt was a unique experience.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
Datum av studier
21 Aug 2023 - 25 Aug 2023
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"I had good teachers and classmates and enjoyed the atmosphere of the classes."

Yuki Hashimoto

Even though I decided to enroll in the course just before the opening day, the manager (Ben) were kind enough to allow me to attend the classes, for which I am very grateful. Thanks to this, I was able to use my free time during the trip to learn English, which was a great experience.

I especially enjoyed interacting with my classmates, who came from a wide range of countries in Europe, India, the Middle East and Asia, and had a great summer. The teachers were all professional, with a good sense of humor and long teaching experience. The classes were very enjoyable. Also, the additional private lessons I took were very rich in experience, and the teacher gave me the secrets to extend my writing skills, which is one of the hardest parts of IELTS to score. For all these reasons. I would highly recommend this school.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Skolans läge
Datum av studier
1 Aug 2022 - 5 Aug 2022
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?

"It was useful."

Alexander Giese

I could learn a lot while a week. The teachers helped a lot. I liked the group too. My guest family was very good.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Datum av studier
11 Jul 2022 - 15 Jul 2022
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?

"Very good"

Riccardo Beretta, student från Italien

During those week I liked almost everything, maybe the school was a bit smaller than I imagined but it was a really nice experience by all the point of view.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
1 vecka
Datum av studier
4 Jul 2022 - 15 Jul 2022
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"After the initial difficulties, quickly they helped me and gave me effective solution, with excellent teachers."

Kristina Hollo, student från Ungern

The teachers were prepared, managed the topics dynamically. Given that I know the learned english language better, than the ordinary language, the level of the morning groups was somewhat higher in the absence of my practical experience. I didn't use the housing service. I really like the old type of buildings, as was the school building.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
Datum av studier
11 Apr 2022 - 15 Apr 2022
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"Learn something new good experience"

faisal alshehri, student från Saudiarabien

School was good location is ok facilities was good I really enjoyed the trip and the learning way that the teachers explained and dealt with the students.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
7 veckor
Datum av studier
24 Jun 2019 - 16 Aug 2019
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"It was a great experience."

Sonia Rozental, student från Brasilien

I have spent a great time at the Oxford International Study Centre and I have improved may English knowledge at this period. But I believe that some points could be improved in the course.

The main question that I have is about the few numbers of English Levels. The intermediate group was in a very incipient level. That fact has contributed to putting together students with quite different English level at the advanced level.

Another point was about the division of morning classes. I believe that should be more beneficial to the students if it the classes could be organized in three main topics: grammar, writing class and conversation.

The last point is about the certificate which did not show the level that the student has attended.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
1 vecka
Datum av studier
8 Aug 2016 - 19 Aug 2016
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"Good school and staff"

Mohammed Al-Marri, student från Qatar

I am happy with the time I spent in Oxford School. The location of the school was very nice as it was at the center.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
3 veckor
Datum av studier
27 Jul 2015 - 21 Aug 2015
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.

"The school employs a team that is capable of teaching a child to speak fluent English freely with people. It is straightforward with no discomfort during and after the entire course. The child gains experience in which he can speak not only freely, but also correctly."

Nikolai Ilin, student från Ryssland

The teacher teaches the subject to every student in their own way. If the student does not understand the material, the teacher is sure to help or at least try to solve this problem. I did not like that the homework was given on separate sheets of paper. At the beginning of the second week the table was in these papers, with one also at the end of my training. I was upset when all the sheets fell on the street and I had to collect them. This is probably the only negative thing about the school (although it may have a small problem), and it was not so important for me.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
2 veckor
Datum av studier
16 Jun 2014 - 4 Jul 2014
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.


OISC erbjuder följande typer av boende:

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost och middag på vardagar, 3 måltider påhelgerna

kr 3.954

Host Family Accommodation

Åldersomgrupp: 7 år gammal och äldre
Plats: Outside the city center of Oxford
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och middag på vardagar, 3 måltider påhelgerna (16 måltider per vecka)
Anläggningar: Kök, tvätt, trådlöst internet, gratis internet, matta, uppvärmning, 24/7 övervakning, och trädgård
Avstånd till skolan: 20 minuter med bus
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, före 11:00
kr 3.954
Homestays are carefully selected and all families have undergone DBS checks. We are able to offer special diets on request . Families are either a short bus ride from the city centre, or within walking distance.

Studentboende - Single-person room - Frukost och middag

kr 7.548

Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner (summer only)

Åldersomgrupp: 14 år gammal och äldre
Plats: In the city center of Oxford
Typ av boende: Studentboende (utanför campus)
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och middag (14 måltider per vecka)
Anläggningar: Privat badrum, gratis internet, matta, uppvärmning, 24/7 övervakning, och trädgård
Avstånd till skolan: 10 - 15 minuter med walk
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, efter 02:00
Avresedagen: Lördag, före 11:00
kr 7.548
Rooms in the student residence offer en-suite bathrooms, with communal kitchens and living areas. Various residences are used throughout the year. Residence accommodation is subject to availability. Breakfast and dinner are included, and all rooms are within easy walking distance of OISC.

Studentboende - Single-person room - Frukost och middag

kr 10.064

Oxford University Accommodation (summer only)

Åldersomgrupp: 16 år gammal och äldre
Plats: In the city center of Oxford
Typ av boende: Studentboende
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och middag (14 måltider per vecka)
Anläggningar: Privat badrum, tvätt, trådlöst internet, gratis internet, tV-rum, hardwood, 24/7 övervakning, och trädgård
Avstånd till skolan: 10 - 15 minuter med walk
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, efter 03:00
Avresedagen: Lördag, före 11:00
kr 10.064
During the summer - and at other times of year, subject to availability - we can arrange for students to stay in one of the famous colleges of the University of Oxford. Rooms are en-suite, and breakfast and dinner, served in college, are included.

This is a unique experience and offers students the opportunity to live like an Oxford student.


Vi kan inte ansöka om visum för studenter. Dock kan skolan försörja dig med all dokumentation du behöver för att stödja din visumansökan.

Om du studerar i Storbritannien över 11 månader, så kommer du att få ett referensnummer kallat Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) som du överlämnar till Brittiska ambassaden tillsammans med din allmänna studentvisumansökan. Studenter som framgångsrikt har bokat en språkkurs och betalat avgifterna kommer att få ett CAS från OISC. Var vänlig notera att Brittisk lag säger att CAS enbart tilldelas studenter som planerar att studera engelska i över 11 månader.

Om du studerar i Strobritannien i 11 månader eller mindre, så måste du ansöka om ett speciellt besöksvisum som kallas Student Visitor Visa. Som en besökande student, kan du inte arbeta på halvtid samtidigt som du studerar. Om du planerar att studera i Storbritannien i 11 månader eller mindre, så kommer ett antagningsbrev skickas till din hemadress via vanlig post utan kostnad. Om du önskar få ditt pappersarbete via expressbrev, kommer du att debiteras £ 110 när du registrerar dig.

Läs mer om hur man får ett visum till Storbritannien »

Flyg och flygplatstransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Oxford based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studera utomlands bekymmersfritt med Language Internationals försäkringstäckning för hälsa och personliga ägodelar. När du bokat en kurs hos oss, så kan du välja att köpa en internationell försäkringsplan som inte bara täcker sjukvårdskostnader, men också förlust av dina personliga tillhörligheter. Du måste boka din försäkring i förtid när du registrerar dig.

Läs mer om vår försäkringsplan »

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