Cambridge FCE Preparation course

inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus



Lyssna, Speaking, uttal, läsa, Skriva, ordförråd och Grammatik


4-13 veckor
Lektioner per vecka
24 lessons per week (varje lektion varar 50 min)
Måndag - Fredag


09:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30

Lektionsschema kan ändras beroende på tillgänglighet och säsong.


The FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) program is designed for students who want to learn a lot of English, want a more exciting career or enroll at a European university or college. The Cambridge Examinations are the most popular certificates of British English, and are widely accepted in both the business and academic world to demonstrate language proficiency.

Cambridge FCE is an upper intermediate level Cambridge exam. To be successful, you should possess a wide range of vocabulary, and be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles in a variety of situations.

In the Cambridge FCE Preparation course, you will:
Develop the language skills required to pass the Cambridge FCE exams
Do a lot of interesting and engaging language activities at the upper intermediate level
Build self-confidence to write the Cambridge FCE test successfully
Have lots of practice exercises to perfect your language skills
Take practice tests on a regular basis to get ready for the FCE exam
Benefit from our experienced, professional and friendly instructors
Increase your chances to get the major or job that you deserve


Du kommer att göra ett placeringstest under din första dag för att avgöra din språknivå. Du kan också göra testet före ankomsten till Vancouver.


Genomsnitt 12 studenter
Maximum 15 studenter


Åldersomgrupp 16 år gammal och äldre


Ett intyg om avslutad kurs kommer att utfärdas vid slutet av kursen.
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  • Klassrum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 1/16
  • Klassrum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 2/16
  • Klassrum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 3/16
  • Klassrum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 4/16
  • Korridor i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 5/16
  • Korridor i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 6/16
  • Korridor i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 7/16
  • Allmänt rum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 8/16
  • Allmänt rum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 9/16
  • Klassrum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 10/16
  • Studenter på inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 11/16
  • Receptionen på inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 12/16
  • Allmänt rum i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 13/16
  • Datorsal i inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 14/16
  • Ingång till inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 15/16
  • Byggnaden tillhörande inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus 16/16


50% rekommenderar

baserat på 2 omdömen
5 stjärnor
4 stjärnor
3 stjärnor
2 stjärnor
1 stjärna
Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge

"The best experience I've ever had."

Jose Lopes

I studied at inlingua for 10 months in 2013. It was an amazing opportunity. Not just to learn English, but also a bit of everything. I met people from countries where I didn't even know where they were. I've learned from other cultures. I tried to enjoy every single activity the school provided.
I started at the lower level facility at the Gastown location. But from the third month on I went to the Granville one. Both campuses are great; Gastown is bigger and it's where all the counselors work. But Granville campus is in the heart of Vancouver.
And most importantly, my teachers were awesome. I tried General English until having enough English to move to the Business class. What an amazing class I had. I learned a lot, and for sure it will help me with my career in the future. I've added all my teachers on Facebook and I'm still in touch with them. I consider them just as much friends as all my classmates.
I loved the experience, the city, the trips, the school and the people.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
42 veckor
Datum av studier
28 Jan 2013 - 22 Nov 2013
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?

"The biggest life experience in my life. Never more!"

Ludovit Farkas, student från Slovakien

Granville campus is situated in very noisy and dirty place of Vancouver called 'Downtown'. Classes are apparently designed for small children or teenagers with lacking free space. Teachers seem to be friendly and patient. By contrast, many students, at the average age of 22, act like spoiled children in a playground. Facilities were at an acceptable level and activities as well, even though I have never participated.
And what about housing? It was terrible to share a household with a family. They weren't able to cater for a normal bread and a butter. Although, I paid for a half board service, I used to get just dinner. There was nothing to find for breakfast, even though I pointed it out a couple of times. So, I was forced to arrange breakfast on my own, charging my budget. On top of that, they started consuming my stuff. Furthermore, they decided to sell a house by putting on open hours in unspecified time periods, which made me leave the house on demand.
Great housing service! The only form of respect I got was focused on my money!

And something positive!

I met only one teacher there (I mean a man as a teacher and a teacher as a man); an Iranian guy named Jacob.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
11 veckor
Datum av studier
11 Feb 2013 - 3 May 2013
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.


inlingua Vancouver: Granville Campus erbjuder följande typer av boende:

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Inga måltider

kr 1.323

Rooming - Single-person room - no meals, but students can use a kitchen

Åldersomgrupp: 19 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Inga måltider
Anläggningar: Kök
Avstånd till skolan: 45 minuter
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 1.323
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost och middag

kr 1.654

Homestay - Single-person room - Half Board

Åldersomgrupp: 17 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och middag (14 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 1.654
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost, lunch och middag

kr 1.819

Homestay - Single-person room - Full Board

Åldersomgrupp: 16 år gammal och äldre
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost, lunch och middag (21 måltider per vecka)
Avstånd till skolan: 45 minuter
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 1.819
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost, lunch och middag

kr 1.902

Homestay - Single-person room - Full Board (Ages 16 and Under)

Åldersomgrupp: Upp till 16 år
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost, lunch och middag (21 måltider per vecka)
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 1.902
At a Homestay, students live, eat, and socialize with Canadians in a comfortable environment.

We work with professional companies dedicated to arranging the best accommodation for students in Vancouver. These companies have a large selection of families available in Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver and Burnaby. All municipalities are located within 45 minutes of downtown Vancouver.

Our families are very good. inlingua Vancouver and our homestay coordinators use families who take a genuine joy and interest in doing Homestay and are happy to have students in their homes. We will place you in a house with a Canadian family, no more than 45 minutes from inlingua Vancouver campuses, and who speak English as their main language at home. We can guarantee that there will be no more students who speak your same language. You can enjoy meals at home because you will be one of the family members.


Vi kan inte ansöka om visum för studenter. Dock kan skolan försörja dig med all dokumentation du behöver för att stödja din visumansökan.

Ditt antagningsbrev kommer att skickas till din hemadress via post utan kostnad.

Flyg och flygplatstransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Vancouver based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studera utomlands bekymmersfritt med Language Internationals försäkringstäckning för hälsa och personliga ägodelar. När du bokat en kurs hos oss, så kan du välja att köpa en internationell försäkringsplan som inte bara täcker sjukvårdskostnader, men också förlust av dina personliga tillhörligheter. Du måste boka din försäkring i förtid när du registrerar dig.

Läs mer om vår försäkringsplan »

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