Intensive Private Spanish Course

Close Teachers



Lyssna, Speaking, uttal, läsa, Skriva, ordförråd, Grammatik och aktiviteter


1-52 veckor
Varje måndag
Lektioner per vecka
10 lessons per week (varje lektion varar 60 min)
Måndag - Fredag

Lektionsschema kan ändras beroende på tillgänglighet och säsong.


This course is ideal if you want to learn as much Spanish as possible in a short period of time. People who want to practice and improve their conversation skills further. You'll cover a range of exercises that will teach you how to express yourself with confidence.

There are 10 Spanish lessons per week, and the third hour is a debate. Everyday we have a different debate about Spanish history, literature, cooking, pronunciation, accentuation, music, movie, photography, Picasso, Dali, Football. etc.

The course takes place in the mornings or afternoons, Monday to Friday, 10 lessons per week.

On this course, you still have plenty of time to see Zaragoza


Alla nivåer, nybörjare till avancerad
You will take a placement test before your arrival in Zaragoza to determine your class level.


Genomsnitt 1 student
Maximum 1 student


Åldersomgrupp 8 - 89 år gammal


Ett intyg om avslutad kurs kommer att utfärdas vid slutet av kursen.
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100% rekommenderar

baserat på 2 omdömen
5 stjärnor
4 stjärnor
3 stjärnor
2 stjärnor
1 stjärna
Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge


Adrien Sion, student från Frankrike

The welcome was excellent and the program was described exactly the way I experienced it.
The teachers were professional and did everything in their power to help me improve. They were patience and caring.
They went the extra mile to show me the inside culture of Spain and also meet many people (family, friends).
The activities were a broad spectrum of experiences from running with the bulls to enjoying tapas in an authentic setting.
The housing was correct and the family was fine.
The family did not go overboard to include me in their life but they did provide the essentials so I cant complain.

I jumped into extra curricular activites immediately and set these up myself once I arrived including Rock Climbing classes and chess classes. It was very easy to organize this on my own.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
3 veckor
Datum av studier
1 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.


Yvette Hooley, student från USA

The experience was wonderful and the teacher was phenomenal. There were no school facilities per se. It was private one on one tutoring around the city.

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Mitt betyg för denna skola

Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
3 veckor
Datum av studier
12 Jun 2017 - 7 Jul 2017
Skulle du rekommendera denna skola?
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Alfredo, Director at Close Teachers responded to this review.
28 October 2018

Thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed our methodologies and teachers



Close Teachers erbjuder följande typer av boende:

Värdfamilj - Single-person room - Frukost och middag

kr 2.574

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Åldersomgrupp: 8 - 89 år gammal
Plats: In the city center of Zaragoza
Typ av boende: Värdfamilj
Typ av rum: Single-person room
Måltider: Frukost och middag (7 måltider per vecka)
Anläggningar: Kök, tvätt, trådlöst internet, gratis internet, matta, och uppvärmning
Tillgänglighet: januari - december
Ankomstdag: Söndag, helst
Avresedagen: Lördag, helst
kr 2.574
The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. A host family will make you feel at home and will contribute to your learning process in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Our carefully selected host families will welcome you straight away and treat you like an additional member of the family. This way you will feel right at home. Host families also provide the perfect opportunity to practice what has been learnt in the classroom. Speak to your host family and learn first hand about the Spanish way of life and their customs.

Living with a host family makes your stay that bit easier because you don't have to worry about cooking or laundry. All linen and towels are included. Our families are happy to help you out and you can ask them about the best places to go in the area and other questions.

You can choose between two options for the host family stay:

Half board, including two meals: breakfast and dinner.
Full board, including three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Meals will be eaten with the family.

The families can adapt their cooking to your particular needs or special diet if you inform us in advance

Our families all live close to the school and you can get there either by foot or in no less than 30 minutes to city centre


Vi kan inte ansöka om visum för studenter. Dock kan skolan försörja dig med all dokumentation du behöver för att stödja din visumansökan.

Ditt antagningsbrev kommer att skickas till din hemadress via post utan kostnad.

Flyg och flygplatstransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Zaragoza based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studera utomlands bekymmersfritt med Language Internationals försäkringstäckning för hälsa och personliga ägodelar. När du bokat en kurs hos oss, så kan du välja att köpa en internationell försäkringsplan som inte bara täcker sjukvårdskostnader, men också förlust av dina personliga tillhörligheter. Du måste boka din försäkring i förtid när du registrerar dig.

Läs mer om vår försäkringsplan »

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