Patong Language School är Phuket största och ledande språkskola. Vi har utbildat tiotusentals studenter på nya språk och erbjuder fördelar som andra lokala språkskolor helt enkelt inte kan erbjuda: ett utvecklat språkinlärningssystem, skräddarsydda läromedel, erfarna och kvalificerade inhemska lärare, bekväma luftkonditionerade klassrum och vi är precis bredvid stranden!
1983 var Patong Language School den första språkskolan som beviljades en privat skolicens för att arbeta i Phuket. Många skolor har kommit och gått under denna tid, men Patong Language School är fortfarande ledande inom området. Vi har hjälpt fler elever att lära sig ett språk och förbättra sina kommunikationsförmåga än någon annan språkskola på ön.
Patong Language School är den enda privata skolan i Thailand som passerar Office of Private Education (OPEC) kvalitetssäkringskontroll - din garanti för högkvalitativ undervisning.
År grundades
Antal klassrum
Gratis internet
Trådlöst internet
Studera område
Inhemska Thailändskatalande
Lärare med undervisningscertifikat i Thailändska
Över 50%
Lärare med universitetsexamen
Nationalitet och åldersmix
Nationalitet och åldersmix på Patong Language School varierar över olika tidsperioder, kurser och nivåer. Under hela året är den genomsnittliga åldern 30. På sommaren är den genomsnittliga åldern 30
Öppna datum
Året runt
Skolans läge
Vår skola ligger i Patong Beach, Phuket. Du hittar allt du behöver inom gångavstånd från skolan - boende, restauranger, internetkaféer, postkontor, affärer och mycket mer. För att göra saker ännu bättre är vi bara några minuters promenad från den fantastiska vita sandstranden i Patong Beach.
Phuket är Thailands största ö och är fodrad med en serie vikar av vita sandstränder mellan steniga punkter. Detta ger en serie relativt snäva stränder i stället för en lång obruten sandstrand kantad med höghus och packade med människor. Phuket har ett brett utbud av sol och surfaktiviteter som ett utvecklat semestermål, så det finns något för alla.
Patong är Phuket mest kända badort. Med en otrolig blandning av aktiviteter och super nattliv är det den perfekta platsen att festa och leka. På natten har staden ett otroligt nattliv, som innehåller hundratals restauranger, lounger och ölbarer, och naturligtvis diskotek. Nattlivet ligger runt Bangla Road, men det finns tystare delar av staden.
Vi tror inte att det finns en bättre plats för en språkkurs överallt i världen. Kom och se själv!
Ta en rundtur på video
Läs mer...
City of Patong1/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School2/38
Korridor i Patong Language School3/38
Studenter på Patong Language School4/38
Classes at Patong Language School5/38
Classes at Patong Language School6/38
Classes at Patong Language School7/38
Korridor i Patong Language School8/38
Korridor i Patong Language School9/38
Korridor i Patong Language School10/38
Korridor i Patong Language School11/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School12/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School13/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School14/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School15/38
Receptionen på Patong Language School16/38
Phuket sightseeing17/38
Phuket sightseeing18/38
Phuket sightseeing19/38
Phuket sightseeing20/38
Thai culture21/38
Phuket sightseeing22/38
Thai culture23/38
Thai culture24/38
Thai culture25/38
Thai festival26/38
Studenter på Patong Language School27/38
Classes at Patong Language School28/38
Classes at Patong Language School29/38
Classes at Patong Language School30/38
Studenter på Patong Language School31/38
Classes at Patong Language School32/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School33/38
study area34/38
study area35/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School36/38
Klassrum i Patong Language School37/38
Byggnaden tillhörande Patong Language School38/38
85% rekommenderar
baserat på 13 omdömen
5 stjärnor
4 stjärnor
3 stjärnor
2 stjärnor
1 stjärna
Kvalitet på undervisning
Sociala aktiviteter
Skolans läge
"Verry good."
Tonny Ekman,
student från Thailand
(Translated by Google Translate)
I was lucky. It was only me attending class. Unfortunly I missed two days due to circomestanses not related to the school.
It was a beginners course witch was a bit to basic for me regarding the vokabulary. But I am verry satesfied any way because I got an anderstanding of the construction of sentenses, and of corse I allso learned some new words. If I must complain I would have wiched for an elevator du to my bad knees. Overall I am verry satesfyed.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 04 February 2025
Thank you for your thoughtful review. We're glad you found value in the course despite the challenges. Your feedback about vocabulary and accessibility is appreciated, and we'll consider it for future improvements. Wishing you continued success in your learning journey!
"We benefited a lot. The lessons were very exciting and varied."
Barbara Arpagaus,
student från Schweiz
(Translated by Google Translate)
We had a great time at the school. Very friendly staff, excellent teachers (we had two different ones because we could change levels).
It was simply brilliant and a valuable experience. We'll miss this time.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 05 June 2024
Thanks a lot for your review! We're so glad you had a great time.
It really means a lot to us!
"Nice School with dedicated teacher"
Karin Monia Glimnér,
student från Sverige
(Translated by Google Translate)
Small group, dedicated teacher, in new location in new buidling since a couple of weeks. I don’t know if their was any social activities except lessons- didnt notice that.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 23 February 2024
Thanks for the 4-star review. We really appreciate it! Sorry that you didn't get clear information about other activities. This happens sometimes when students and teachers agree to do something together.
We hope we can give you more satisfaction when you join us next time.
"I was really disappointed"
Tatiana Bogdanova,
student från Ryssland
(Translated by Google Translate)
Мой опыт обучения в этой школе.
Я была в шоке от преподавателя.
В плохом смысле слова.
К самой школе претензий нет.
На ресепшн все были милы, приветливы, ответили на все вопросы, и всегда помогали по мере наступления вопросов.
Тем больше было мое удивление на уроке!
Уже с первого дня я обнаружила некомфортную обстановку в классе: ощущение, что преподаватель отсиживает свои часы, и мы его утомляем.
Преподаватель постоянно в телефоне, все время смотрит, когда же закончится урок? заканчивает занятие на несколько минут раньше, до звонка.
Не поддерживает разговор во время урока, делает вид, что не услышал тебя, не поправляет, не исправляет ошибки.
Начинает отчитывать, и с ним невозможно вступить в диалог, он использует свое превосходство в знании языка. Никогда не использовал доску, мне приходилось уточнять слово, показывая из своей тетрадки.
Очень грубый, грубо разговаривает. Очень часто употребляет слово stupid, в том числе и по поводу учебника, по которому мы занимаемся. Зачем нам эта информация? И другие, плохие слова.
Не разрешает пользоваться кондиционером и светом в классе. Однажды наехал на одногруппницу, когда она включила свет. Он был очень груб с ней.
Совершенно не готовился к урокам, когда открывал учебник, запинался, читая задание. Ощущение, что в первый раз видел учебник.
По утрам был постоянно сонный, несобранный, зевал. Настроение резко менялось. Он сказал, что у него диабет 1 типа, связываю это с его заболеванием.
Если честно, после 2 дней занятий, я шла на учебу с тяжелым сердцем.
Я уже проходила курсы в другой школе за границей, и видела вовлеченность преподавателя, которую здесь совершенно не увидела. Т.к. наш преподаватель имел PhD, и сказал, что больше ни у кого в этой школе этой степени нет, я была очень удивлена его преподаванием.
Надеюсь, что у других он преподает по другому.
Я столкнулась с этим!
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 23 November 2023
Мы расстроены данным отзывом и приняли меры сразу же. Учитель, упомянутый в отзыве, больше не работает в Языковой школе Патонг.
Мы сожалеем, что данный учитель потенциально испортил репутацию всех наших учителей и школы в целом. Мы хотели бы заверить каждого, кто читает этот отзыв, что это не представляет наши стандарты или наши цели. Языковая школа Патонг предоставляет языковые услуги уже 40 лет, и в это время мы трудоустроили много учителей английского, некоторые выдающиеся, средние, а также те, кто не соответствует нашим стандартам, как в этом случае.
Мы приносим искренние извинения этому студенту, чье время в школе было испорчено данным учителем. Мы надеемся, что однажды мы будем иметь возможность видеть Вас снова на Пхукете и исправить нашу ошибку.
"Good course"
Shaun Moonen,
student från Australien
(Translated by Google Translate)
I did the five day course, I found it to be very informative, teachers were very well versed in knew what they were doing. I would highly recommend anybody wanting to learn the language to give it ago.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Bebe Pimsuwsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 23 August 2023
Thanks for the 5-star review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us. It's really appreciated!
"It was really fascinating and useful experience for me!"
Anna Andreeva,
student från Ryssland
(Translated by Google Translate)
So, first of all I'ld like to say "Thanks a lot everyone for this unforgettable experience!" My teacher was Oliver and hi is really amazing, professional, friendly and patient person. His classes were filled knowledge, practical tasks and humor. He paid attention to every student. Every day we practiced our listening, speaking, reading skills. My English level has definitely improved, especially my speaking skills. Because the teacher manages to create an easy and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.
I will definitely come back to this school next time!!! Thank you!!!
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Bebe Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 27 August 2023
Thanks for the review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us. It's really appreciated!
"What a great class"
Miranda Degen-Portnoy,
student från USA
(Translated by Google Translate)
This class was a last minute add for us during out time in Phuket and we're so happy we did it! 10/10 would learn again. Our class was nice and small, so we had a lot more practice time in class. Our teacher was GREAT!! Loved her. She went above and beyond the material and answered all of our many questions. I really enjoyed how many examples she gave so we could understand things more in depth and not just reading the textbook.
Location was pretty great as well! We didn't stay in the area, but since it was so close to the beach it meant a morning in class and afternoon reviewing on the beach. Classroom was nicely sized for our group, with a well working AC unit.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Bebe Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 22 March 2023
Thanks for the 5-star review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us.
It's really appreciated!
"Nice school, some lessons were fun, other a bit less interesting"
Anja Ensing,
student från Nederländerna
(Translated by Google Translate)
The organization of the school was very good. The location was fine, also the school facilities.
I liked the first 2 hours of the lessons (speak), the teacher did a good job. She asked the students questions on their own level, so she makes you confident in given the answers.
I found The second part of the lessons a bit disappointment (read &write), the lessons were a bit boring, for example for learning the tones, the book gave examples of words you never gonna use, I think it would be more nice, to learn to write the words you learned in the previous lessons.
I find it hard to answer the questions, for example: would you recommend the school to other people, a bit mixed feelings…
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 23 February 2023
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review.
When you made your booking, we advised (before confirming the booking) that you would be joining the fourth and final week of a Level 1, 4-week, Thai Intensive Course. You said that this would not be a problem, as you are not a complete beginner.
From your review, it appears that this did become a problem, as you were unable to fully participaqte in the read and write Thai classes.
To avoid similar problems for future students, we will no longer accept bookings that do not coincide with the course start date.
We wish you continued success in your Thai studies and thank you again for choosing Patong Language School.
"Very efficient method to acquire the basics"
Pascal Fortier,
student från Thailand
(Translated by Google Translate)
I liked everything and can just recommend PLS school for all people who want to learn language.
Very efficient method to acquire the basics of the Thai language in a short time
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 01 December 2023
Thank you for your review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us.
It's really appreciated!
"Study English in patong language school was the best gift that I give me!"
Alessandra Carvalho Mariotti,
student från Brasilien
(Translated by Google Translate)
I liked all!!! I studied with 02 teachers and they are wonderful. Very attentive and funny. The classroom is very clean and comfortable. All the professionals are very friendly. I loved to know many people of the different countries on the world. I loved my teacher, her name is Em. She is from England. Her English is perfect, clean and classic. she teaches with love, patience and I learned by laughing a lot because she is very funny. Thank’s Em ang Patong school for learning
I liked of the all! Was perfect!!
What I didn’t like?
Nothing!! I didn’t like to leave
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 01 December 2023
Thank you for your review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us.
It's really appreciated!
Olivier lacoume,
student från Frankrike
(Translated by Google Translate)
Good school to learn and have time to socialize before and after school. Just like experiencing both reading and writing Thaï language not only speaking.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 01 December 2023
Thank you for your review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us.
It's really appreciated!
"A very nice and unique and profitable experience!"
Werner Oberholzer,
student från Schweiz
(Translated by Google Translate)
A great, friendly classroom with students from all over the world. The young students have senior fully accepted me. The teacher, Charlotte Kings has excellent teaching material and interesting mediated. The classrooms and their equipment are good and practical. In addition to the lessons we had no social activities, but this is not a problem and I did not expect it. The Hotel Hillside was not particularly well organized or connected to the school. I can't understand why this hotel, which is 3 kilometers away from the school.
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan, General Manager at Patong Language School responded to this review. 01 December 2023
Thank you for your review - we're glad you enjoyed your time with us.
It's really appreciated!
"I have lived a wonderful experience"
Fabrizio Maggioni,
student från Italien
(Translated by Google Translate)
I am very satisfied. The school is located in a very quiet residential area. Inside there are many services: bar, free Wi-Fi, sale of notebooks, pens, bags, books. The staff is very helpful. They helped me always. I was lucky because we were the only two in the classroom. The teacher explained very well the arguments, let the time for my questions and always made it clear my doubts. In addition to traditional exercises and explaining the content, I can say that the teacher interacted a lot with me though, I honestly would have liked to interact even more. I'm sorry I did only 2 weeks. I will definitely return to finish the form of 4 weeks. 2 are missing! Finally, I thank Sarah Bunker advised me that the course suited my needs!
Detta är en verifierad recension. Den här studenten har bokat en kurs på skolan genom Language International.
Becky, Coordinator at Patong Language School responded to this review. 09 April 2015
Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review. We appreciate your feedback and hope you will return to study with us again soon!
Vi kan inte ansöka om visum för studenter. Dock kan skolan försörja dig med all dokumentation du behöver för att stödja din visumansökan.
Ditt antagningsbrev kommer att skickas till din hemadress via vanlig post utan kostnad. Om du önskar få ditt pappersarbete via expressbrev, kommer du att bli debiterad ฿ 2,500 när du registrerar dig.
Flyg och flygplatstransfer
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Patong based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studera utomlands bekymmersfritt med Language Internationals försäkringstäckning för hälsa och personliga ägodelar. När du bokat en kurs hos oss, så kan du välja att köpa en internationell försäkringsplan som inte bara täcker sjukvårdskostnader, men också förlust av dina personliga tillhörligheter. Du måste boka din försäkring i förtid när du registrerar dig.
Vår skola ligger i Patong Beach, Phuket. Du hittar allt du behöver inom gångavstånd från skolan - boende, restauranger, internetkaféer, postkontor, affärer och mycket mer. För att göra saker ännu bättre är vi bara några minuters promenad från den fantastiska vita sandstranden i Patong Beach.
Phuket är Thailands största ö och är fodrad med en serie vikar av vita sandstränder mellan steniga punkter. Detta ger en serie relativt snäva stränder i stället för en lång obruten sandstrand kantad med höghus och packade med människor. Phuket har ett brett utbud av sol och surfaktiviteter som ett utvecklat semestermål, så det finns något för alla.
Patong är Phuket mest kända badort. Med en otrolig blandning av aktiviteter och super nattliv är det den perfekta platsen att festa och leka. På natten har staden ett otroligt nattliv, som innehåller hundratals restauranger, lounger och ölbarer, och naturligtvis diskotek. Nattlivet ligger runt Bangla Road, men det finns tystare delar av staden.
Vi tror inte att det finns en bättre plats för en språkkurs överallt i världen. Kom och se själv!
Frågor och svar
Har du några frågor? Få svar från våra studievägledare och personal och tidigare studenter på Patong Language School.
"The student is wondering if he is able to study for 6 months. Is this possible?"
Dyan Test,
student från USA
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
Our Elementary level English for All course takes 13 weeks to complete. If
the student wants to study for longer than that, he could then take the
Pre-Intermediate level course, which takes 12 weeks to complete - so that
would be 25 weeks in total.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Do you accept students below the minimum required level? Can you help the student get a visa?"
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
If the student's level is beginner, he could first take our 4 week Beginner
level group class and then join the Elementary level class for the
remaining 12 weeks.
Regarding the visa, we can certainly help them
with this but bear in mind it takes around 3-4 weeks to prepare the
paperwork for an ED visa.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can the student take this course being High Intermediate level?"
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
Pre-Intermediate is the highest level available in our English group classes, so unfortunately it won't be possible for the student to join if they are High Intermediate level.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"The Student is from Switzerland and he is interested if he can get a Visa if he is taking the course for 12 weeks? Could you send me further information on this?"
Katrin katrin,
student från Tyskland
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
We can assist the student in obtaining an ED visa to study with us if he
studies for 12 weeks. We would prepare the visa application paperwork and
then post it to him so he can apply at a Thai embassy/consulate. Please do
note that it takes around 4-6 weeks to get the letter from the Ministry of
Education plus you have to account for extra postage time (for him to send
documents to us and for us to send the final paperwork to him). If that's
going to take too long for him, he could instead apply for a tourist visa
at a Thai embassy/consulate before he comes here, which will give him 60
days plus he can extend it a further 30 days when in Phuket - giving him 3
months in total.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"How long does it take to prepare visa documents?"
riccardo falsetta,
student från Italien
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
It takes around 1 month to prepare all the documents for an ED visa, so I
would recommend that he enrols as soon as possible to ensure he is able to
apply for the visa before he leaves.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"When is high season in Phuket?"
Grégory Lamblot,
student från
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
March is in high season, so 2 weeks will be charged at the high
season rate. April-May is low season in Phuket, so the remaining 6 weeks
would be charged at the low season rate.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Bonjour, je souhaiterais apprendre le Thailandais dans votre école. je suis français avec un très faible niveau anglais. c'est handicapant ou non ?
Merci d'avance.
Kévin Bonin"
Kevin Bonin,
student från Frankrike
Becky Taylor,
Patong Language School school representative (Coordinator)
Our Thai group classes are taught in English, so you do need to be able to speak and understand English to join these classes.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I noticed that the average age of the students is 16. Is this correct. The student is a Senior and would like to know if there are students his age 50-60 years old? Does the student need a visa?"
Katrin katrin,
student från Tyskland
Becky Taylor,
Patong Language School school representative (Coordinator)
We didn't enter an average age so perhaps the system defaulted to the minimum age, which is 16 years old. The average student age is around 26-30 years old but we certainly have students who are over 50 years old.
Visa requirements depend on nationality and length of stay, so you should check with the Thai embassy if the student will need a visa for their stay.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
The minimum age of our students is 16 years old. I would guess the average
age is around 25 years old but we do certainly get Senior students coming
through because we don't have a maximum age limit.
I can see that the student has indicated that he will need a visa. He won't
be eligible for an ED visa as he is studying for less than 12 weeks, so
please let him know that he should apply for a tourist visa at the Thai
embassy before he comes to Thailand.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Can you give a list of your accommodations? What is the address of the hotel?"
william araujo,
student från Brasilien
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
Please take a look at our accommodation listings - there are 4 separate
listings. There is one for low season (April to September), two for high
season (October to November and then February to March) and one for peak
season (December to January). In Phuket accommodation prices change
depending on the time of year. If the student plans to come in April, you
need to use the low season (April to September) accommodation listing.
The hotel address is 257/2 Nanai Road, Patong Beach, Phuket.
Var det här till hjälp? JaThank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Could you let me know if there are any services for the child while the mother is in class?"
Julia Ryzhuk,
student från Polen
Rattanaporn Pimsuwan,
personal på Patong Language School
We do not have any childcare facilities, so it would be best for the
student to bring someone to take care of the child while she is attending
her lessons. All of the rooms listed are double-occupancy and have either 1 double or 2
single beds.